Craca & Dani Nega – O Desmanche
Very nice fusion of different sound languages coming from Brazilian, African and Latin music as well as electronic and Hip Hop...
Very nice fusion of different sound languages coming from Brazilian, African and Latin music as well as electronic and Hip Hop...
Èkó Afrobeat is one more excellent Afrobeat band coming out of Brazil where the renaissance of this music style seems not coming to an end. Created in 2009 with the name “Clube de Bolso Afrobeat” as a parallel project of a Jazz-Funk band they re-named...
The band I.F.Á. Afrobeat from Salvador/Bahia State just released his first EP featuring Nigerian singer Okwei V. Odili. Apart of Afrobeat, Ijexá and Funk they insert elements of Dub and Reggae confirming the importance of the historic link between black cultures...
Very nice fusion of Reggae and Dub with Brazilian and other latinamerican music from Sao Paulo based singer Anelis’ second album. Free download from her...
One of the promising talents of Brazilian Rap/Hip Hop releasing an eclectic album. Free download from his website.
Dub(step)/Hip Hop from Curitiba, Brazil. Download via Fresh Poulp Records.
MPB meets Reggae. The lyrics talk about love and ecology which is synthesized in the subtitle of the album: O Amor e a Esperança em Tempos de Aquecimento Global (Love and Hope in Times of Global Warming). Download
“Well tempered Brazilian-Jamaican music, for all tastes, eyes and ears, which satisfies the senses and causes the body to dance. Connecting ideas with lyrics that speak about the everyday, the street, the human being, politics and culture. Strong rhythm with...
Selection of some Indonesian stuff: Dangdut, Pop, Hip Hop, Reggae, Chill… Tracklist: 01. Unknown 02. Jambu Alas 03. Darso – Sarua Jeung Bohong 04. Ki Djarot feat. Jogja Hiphop – Jogja Istimewa 05. Jahanam – Cintamu Sepahit Topi Miring 06....
Digital Dubs started in 2001 as the first sound system specialized in Reggae, Dub and Dancehall in Rio de Janeiro. Their releases feature international vocalists like Ranking Joe, Earl Sixteen, Tippa Irie and Brinsley Forde as well as Brazilian artists like B Negão,...
Positivo is a multicultural music project with five ingredients: Roots Afro Beat from Mozambique, Rocking blues from Austria, Reggae dub live, hip-hop and french contemporary punk jazz. But it’s not only about music, from their website: “Associação...
From their website: “Coletivo Rádio Cipó is a media hub for the production of sound, combined with the homemade digital audio technology in the production of sound experimental research. The objective is to this production for Brazil and abroad. The core of the...